Show 11-13-05 - Dark Light Dark

{listen to this program} (83 minutes, 128kbps mp3, 77MB)
01.) Audion - Rubber (Ghostly)
02.) Juan Hurle - Divagando (Pulsewith)
03.) Sr. Click - Insomnie (Inoquo)
04.) Thomas Brinkman - Charleston (Max Ernst)
05.) ToastyBoy - Distant Minds (Play)
06.) DJ Distance - Replicant (Boka)
07.) Darqwan - Said The Spider (Texture)
08.) Jesse Dangerously - Outfox'd (Backburner)
08.) Mr. Projectile - Slow Rewards (Merck)
09.) Ghislain Poirier - La Blessure (Chocolate Industries)
10.) Alias and Ehren - Miso Stomp (Anticon)
11.) Maps and Diagrams - n34 (Cactus Island)
12.) Tim Koch - Seven Ate Nine (Cactus Island)
13.) Atomica - Larsen (Positron)
14.) Hanne Hukkelberg - Ease (Leaf)
15.) Pulseprogramming - Blooms Eventually (Aesthetics)
16.) Lampshade - Wake Up (Vinyl Republik)
17.) Basement Wigger - Track 1 (Trotch)
18.) Basement Wigger - Track 9 (Trotch)
19.) Zark Behida - Delig Too And (Trotch)
20.) Zark Behida - Devig Tuin (Trotch)
21.) Venetian Snares - Winnipeg as Mandatory Scat Feed (Sublight)
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